Multistate Tax Commission
Background The Multistate Tax Commission, a multistate agency made up of state taxing authorities whose aim is to encourage uniform state tax laws, has adopted after several months' consideration a "uniformity recommendation" -- i.e., a model statute -- that requires...
| August 18, 2015
Gross Receipts Tax
Background A trend of concern in state taxation is the gross receipts tax (GRT). Texas enacted a tax of this nature, the Margins Tax, in 2006. Kentucky and Ohio (the “Commercial Activity Tax") did so in 2005 and Michigan in...
| August 18, 2015
State Gross Receipts Taxes: Statutory Language
Texas Margins Tax Kentucky Gross Receipts Tax Michigan Business Tax Ohio Commercial Activity Tax H.B. 3; 79th C.S. Ch.1 (2006) Acts 2005 Ch. 168 P.A. 36 (2007) (Repealed 2011) Ohio Rev. Code Ch. 5751 (2005)
| August 18, 2015
Language of State Gains Taxation Statutes
State Citation General Tax on Gain or Recapture -- ( Provisions Addressing PTPs are in Italics) California Cal. Revenue and Tax Code §25125 (a) Capital gains and losses from sales of real property located in this state are allocable to...
| August 18, 2015
Taxation of Gain from Sale of Units
Background Some states have enacted statutes stating that a when a nonresident partner sells units in an MLP with operations in the state, the state is entitled to tax the nonresident on a portion of the gain. The most recent...
| August 18, 2015
Composite Return and Withholding Requirements
Background The MLPA has been active for a number of years in advocating an exemption for MLPs from requirements that partnerships and other pass-through entities withhold tax from distributions to nonresident partners, file composite returns and pay tax for nonresidents, or...
| August 18, 2015
Texas Margin Tax
Background On June 14, 2013, Governor Rick Perry signed into law H.B. 500. The bill contains a provision which makes the Margin Tax more fair for pipeline companies by allowing them to subtract as a cost of goods sold the...
| August 18, 2015
State Affairs
Background MLPA works actively nationwide to defeat or modify proposed state tax legislation and regulations that are harmful to MLPs or their investors, and to change tax laws already enacted. These include requirements that MLPs withhold or otherwise pay tax...
| August 18, 2015
2013 Annual Meeting Materials
Schedule July 19 Business Meeting Agenda Report of the Executive Director Federal Legislative Issues Report of the Federal Affairs Committee Legislative Material Tax Reform NAPTP Statement Submitted to Senate Finance Committee Joint Committee on Taxation 2013 Tax Expenditure List Technical...
| August 18, 2015
2014 Annual Meeting Materials
Schedule July 18 Membership Meeting Agenda Report of the Executive Director Federal Legislative Issues Report of the Federal Affairs Committee Legislative Material Tax Reform Baucus-Hatch Dear Colleague Letter on Tax Reform NAPTP Letter to Senators on Tax Reform Inhofe, Landrieu,...
| August 18, 2015